Who can I send a clown to?
Anyone you wish. Whomever you put in the shipping field when checking out will receive the clown anonymously.
What comes in the package?
A clown and a personal note from the clown.
Can I choose the specific clown the recipient gets?
No. The clowns choose who they go to.
I'm having problems with my clown.
We are not responsible for any actions of the clown after you receive it.
Will the recipient of the clown ever know who sent it?
No. All clowns are sent anonymously.
Can I send a clown to myself?
Are all the clowns "special?"
How long will it take to receive the clown?
Clowns can take up to two weeks to arrive as I have to go through the process of parlance with the clowns and they must provide me a decision of who goes where.